Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels pexels-anna-tarazevich-6027785

Here we are at the end of another crazy year. We began 2021 with the assumption that within months COVID-19 would be controlled much like we contain the flu viruses that we normally battle. Well, if you didn’t know what assuming does, then now you do. We are happy to welcome in the new year with the same hope that we had at about this same time in 2020. Even though progress is slower than we expected, together we are making it. Even though there was much to deal with last year, together we are dealing with it. Even though we have to adjust the way we work, together we are working it. Here at Integration Edge, we are grateful for our clients, coworkers, and connections who helped make slogging through 2021 as much fun as possible. We are here for you and ready to help. Whether you need an apples-to-apples comparison to choose an ERP, an intermediary to speak with your SaaS company, a tool to clean your non-standardized data, or any other relief for the pain your processes are causing, we will get through the challenges that 2022 brings together. Feel free to contact Mardi for help or a listening ear; especially if there’s coffee involved. Happy New Year!

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